"Joey is one amazing person, and a fantastic energy worker! One of the few energy workers that I fully trust." beth

Joey Hodges joins Healing Wurks


Welcome to Healing Wurks Joey Hodges!

Many of you know that I'm very particular about whom I let do any energy work on me. I have a handful of practitioners that I am 100% comfortable with, and Joey Hodges is one of these practitioners. I met Joey when she took my mentoring program back in 2021. I knew very quickly that she exceeded all expectations of being dedicated to keeping Christ first in her life.
She has some unique healing tools in her toolbox and I think you will love her too!

About Joey:

"She can take time to unwind, feel the sun on her face, and remind herself of who she is and who she will be."
Mt. Rainer, Washington, is one of her favorite places on earth. She remembers being surprised that there were wildflowers and snow, together. Almost like nature was telling her that even though there are lots of variations on this earth, we all belong. 

It’s no coincidence that you are here, Joey likes to do everything in a way that honors her desire to connect with the right people.  Together let’s look at your blocks and struggles and figure out where there is old programing, release it and talk about your strengths so that you can live your best unique life doing the things you love the way you want to do them!

Joey Hodges and family in Santa outfits

Joey is Trained/Certified in:

Simply Healed
Allie Duzette Intuition Accelerator
Healing Wurks Mentoring Program
Eddie Villa Strengths Coaching

Joey is a Certified Eddie Villa

Strengths Coach.
You are unique. There is no one else on the planet, past, present or future, that is like you! There are things only you can do earthside because of your gifts, talents, skills and life experiences. You are valuable and needed. I coach clients from their Gallup strengths assessment. Your strengths report will show which strengths you should concentrate on when it comes to your relationships, health, finances and self-growth/love. I read your assessment  and help you see where your strengths lie and how to use them to create the life you want with joy AND results.
She offers and initial free 30 minute consult in which she reads your strengths report and helps you see how to use it. If you don’t have your full 34 strengths assessment, you can set up an account and purchase the assessment at Gallup.com, the cost is $60. Once you have taken the assessment and have your full report, you can make a consult appointment. https://store.gallup.com/h/en-us*

*Be aware that when you take the assessment, it is timed, it takes 30-40 minutes and you want to answer with what comes to your mind without thinking too hard about it, they want your initial response.  30 minute consult, Strengths coaching and beyond consult, is FREE.

More detailed follow-up visits are $75/session personally tailored to you. Or purchase 5 sessions for $350.

You can schedule a FREE consult or New Client Visit

with her by clicking the links above.

Joey Hodges and grands
Joey Hodges and grandsJoey Hodges and

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My client sessions are DISTANCE based via  Signal App, FB Messenger, Text, Zoom or Phone.
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beth rice, RMT
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